
  • Is customer billing service order, inquiry and cash receipts solution
  • It is web based and very easy to learn to use


  • The first page you see when you log into Zebek is the Home page

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  • From within this page a user can:
    • Input information for a new customer
    • Edit information for an existing customer
    • Interact with various billing options such as cash receipts and payment promises
    • Disconnect an existing customer
    • Change security options for other users (Requires special security)
    • Look at Read only information for an existing customer
    • Create a Records only order to change information like a mailing address
    • Force a change to or Query the switch for an existing customer
    • Look at service orders that have problems that need to be resolved
    • Get a special code from a supervisor to reinstate a write off
    • Search for an ESN for a wireless customer
    • Add a one-time credit or charge to a customer's account
    • Provision Minerva (An IPTV solution we are integrated with) for a customer
    • View pending service orders
    • View forms
    • Verify services exist at a given location
    • View notifications
    • View unsigned forms


  • The modules within Zebek use this search feature to easily find and select customers

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  • Simply type what you are searching for in the search box and Zebek will go get the data for you as you type


  • When selecting an existing customer users are presented with a CPNI verification screen so they can easily verify the customer is authorized to interact with the account

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Service Orders

  • Gives users the ability to perform billing service orders

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Read Only

  • Gives users the ability to view billing information for a customer without changing anything

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All Billing

  • Opens all sections of billing (except Cash Receipts and Adding Payments) related to this customer in one screen

Cash Receipts

  • Shows a list of the cash receipts the user has taken
  • Allows the user to Add/Edit/Remove cash receipts
  • Allows the user to finalize their cash receipts

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Add Payment

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Finalize Cash Receipts

  • Users enter the totals from their drawer and post their cash receipts

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Cash Receipts Post Reports

  • Cash Close Out

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  • Cash Receipts

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Unposted/Posted Cash

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View Statements

  • Displays a list of statements in descending order beginning with the last statement we have
  • Users can click the link to view the statement

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Delinquent History

  • Displays the customer's history of delinquency

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View Notes

  • Displays a list of notes on the customer's account by date in descending order

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One Time Credits And Charges

  • This allows users to make simple adjustments to a customer bill by giving them a credit, or potentially charging them
  • The majority of our clients use this to credit a customer's account because of a service outage

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Payment Promises

  • Customers can make payment promises to users
  • Those promises can be viewed and adjusted in this module
  • The history of those promises are shown here
  • If a customer has a payment promise, it is shown when taking a cash receipt

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Search For Amount

  • Users can search for an amount
  • Users have the ability to search historically made payments or balances as of last night or last billing

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List of available forms

  • Users are presented with a list of forms they can interact with

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Filling out a form

  • Users are presented with pre-defined fields to fill out
  • These fields can be defaulted with values taken from the customer's billing records

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Signing a form

  • Users are presented with the filled out form and a prompting for the customer to sign
  • At this point, the user can choose to send the customer an email. When the customer clicks on a link in that email, it will open a similar web page and prompt them to sign.
  • Customers can sign with their mouse, or if they have a touch screen device, they can sign with their finger
  • Once the form is signed, we insert the signature into the form PDF

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Review the signed form

  • Users are presented with the newly signed form for review
  • Users have the ability to attach the signed form to the billing records of the customer
  • Users have the ability to email the signed form to the customer

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List of filled out and signed forms

  • Now we have a filled out and signed version of the form
  • Users can select to review previously filled out and signed forms
  • Users can edit the values of previously filled out forms and generate a new one for the customer to sign
  • Users have the ability to attach the signed form to the billing records of the customer
  • Users have the ability to email the signed form to the customer
  • Users have the ability to remove the form from the list

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