Customer Viewable Ebill Site

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  • Customers can log in using their account, phone number, or email address, and a password then view their billing information

Account Summary

  • Gives the customer an at a glance summary of their account.

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  • Allows the customer to view their statements

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  • Allows the customer to change some of their information. This flows through to the billing system as soon as it happens in the Ebill Site

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  • Displays a list of non-recurring charges on the customer's account over the preceding month

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Monthly Charges

  • Displays a list of the recurring charges on the customer's account over the preceding month

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View Return Stub

  • Displays a printable return stub for the customer to use when sending a payment by check

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Minutes Used

  • This displays the minutes the customer has used on their plan

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Pay My Bill

  • Provides an easy interface for the customer to pay their bill using a credit card

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  • Allows the customer to update their ACH information if they are paying by ACH