
  • Is project and workforce management solution
  • It is web based and very easy to learn to use


  • The first page you see when you log into Armada is the overview

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  • It is a pain of windows that allow you to see items within Armada "at a glance"

My Projects

  • Is a list of projects that have been assigned to a group you are in, a team you are on, or directly to you

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  • When a project is added or edited, users can enter project specific information

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Notes Attachments and Following

  • Projects, Phases, and Tasks all have their own notes

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  • Projects, Phases, and Tasks all have their own attachments

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  • Users can follow specific Projects, Phases, and Tasks regardless of the projects assignment

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My Phases

  • Is a list of phases that have been assigned to a group you are in, a team you are on, or directly to you

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  • When a phase is added or edited, users can enter phase specific information

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My Tasks

  • Is a list of tasks that have been assigned to a group you are in, a team you are on, or directly to you

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  • When a task is added or edited, users can enter task specific information

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Detached Tasks

  • Are tasks that are not associated with a specific Project or Phase

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My Schedule

  • This module allows users to view their specific schedule in detail including moving adjusting and editing their assigned tasks

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Employee Scheduler

  • This module allows dispatchers to view the schedule for all users, teams, and groups in detail including moving adjusting and editing their assigned tasks

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  • Filters allow the dispatcher to filter out anything they do not wish to see

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  • This module allows users to see any notifications Armada has sent to them. Note these notifications can also be sent via email or text message at the user's discretion

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Pre-Defined Tasks

  • This module allows administrators to set up tasks that are regularly used. These tasks can then be inserted with some information pre set

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Group Management

  • This module allows administrators to set up groups. Groups usually directly correlate to divisions within the company such as Accounting, Customer Service, Management, Etc. Users can belong to multiple groups at once

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Team Management

  • This module allows administrators to set up teams

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  • Teams are very fluid and might only exist for a single Project, Phase, or Task
  • Teams usually consist of users from different groups all working together to accomplish the same goal
  • Teams can be created and altered from various locations within Armada


  • Users can add alerts by location or account number

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  • These alerts will pop up on the screen whenever that customer or location are tied to a Project, Phase, or Task

File Servers

  • Armada supports multiple file servers for storing attachments

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  • If multiples are added, the system will alternate between them as it stores attachments
  • If an administrator determine they no longer wish to store files on a specific server they have that option

User Settings

  • Users can alter the way Armada looks and feels to them

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  • In this module users can indicate which email addresses they want Armada to use to notify them
  • In this module users can indicate which phone numbers they want Armada to use to notify them

Notification Preferences

  • Users can indicate which Armada notifications will also send them a text message or email and which email address or phone number will receive that notification

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  • In this module users can indicate which email addresses they want Armada to use to notify them
  • In this module users can indicate which phone numbers they want Armada to use to notify them

Trouble Tickets

  • A web based trouble ticket solution
  • Fully integrated into Armada, but also capable of standing on its own

Trouble Tickets

  • Is a list of trouble tickets indicating their various stages of completion

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Trouble Ticket

  • Users can add, edit, clear and otherwise interact with trouble tickets

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  • Users can search for and assign a trouble ticket to an account within the billing system
  • Trouble tickets can be assigned to a task within Armada
  • Users are notified of the progress of trouble tickets in the same way as Armada Tasks

Trouble Ticket Action Codes

  • This module allows administrators to set up and manage trouble ticket action codes

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Trouble Ticket Type Codes

  • This module allows administrators to set up and manage trouble ticket type codes

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