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Inventory Menu

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Inventory Master

  • Inventory Change History
    • The Inventory Change History option allows you to monitor fluxuations in inventory

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    • It has the option of automatically sending an Excel attachment by email in intervals you specify
    • You can customize the parameters that will trigger the addition of an item to the list
    • You can indicate columns you wish to hide allowing you to see that which is most important
    • You have the option to export the list to Excel

  • Key Inventory Locations
    • This option allows you to indicate locations where inventory is stored

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    • You have the option to export the list to Excel

Inventory Detail

  • Use Current Inventory Detail On Hand to keep track of individual inventory items

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  • You have the option to export the list to Excel
  • You have the option to export the list to CSV
  • Options for each inventory item
    • You have several options available for each inventory item

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Creating a Unit

  • Is our solution to create a single inventory unit that comprises multiple inventory items

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  • This way you can sell one item from inventory to the customer and all of the supporting inventory items will be removed

Add to Inventory Master from CSV

  • Is our solution for adding large quantities of inventory by importing a CSV file

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Inventory Lookup

  • Finding Inventory Items

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  • Searching for items in inventory is easily performed by:
    • Inventory Number
    • Description
    • UPC

Inventory History Lookup

  • Finding Inventory History Items

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  • Searching for items in inventory history is easily performed by:
    • Account and Sub
    • Inventory Number
    • Serial Number
    • Electronic Serial Number
    • Date Ranges